How to upload and attach files to Joomla articles

This plugin is used to attach files instead of inserting links into Joomla articles.

Why you should use it:

  • Encrypt files, hide the direct link of the file.
  • Upload files and attach them directly.
  • Attach executable files.
  • Count the number of downloads
  • Restrict download feature for guests


This extension works for Joomla 3, 4 and 5.

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After successful installation, go to the Admin page > Plugin Manager > Content - File Attachments to set it up and enable it.

The parameters include:

  • Folder to save files: Attachments will be stored here.
  • Restrict Uploads: Enable/disable file moderation. If this feature is enabled, only files with the allowed file types (Allowed File Types) extension can be uploaded.
  • Allow Guest Download File: Set file download permissions for guests
  • Show Download Count
  • Show extension of File
  • Show description of File


Go to Joomla's Article Management section:

  • For existing (already existing) articles: In the article editing form, switch to the "Attachments" tab to get started.
  • For newly created posts, you need to press the "Save" button to be able to see the "Attachments" tab. After this, you switch to the "Attachments" tab to get started.


By default, files after uploading will be attached to the end of the article. However, you can still change where these attachments are displayed.

Insert the syntax {jattachment:all} where you want the attachments to be displayed.

To insert any file into an article, click the "Insert this file in another article" button at the "Attachments" tab and follow the instructions.

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ulf Landén · 4 months ago
    Hello - how can you get the attachment to open in a new window (_blank)?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Davide Di Pascasio · 6 months ago
    When I try to attach a file to an article, I only get the "Bad Request" message
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Luis Ramirez Soto · 6 months ago
    No me aparece la opción de configurarlo en componente en joomla5
  • This commment is unpublished.
    irina maderych · 8 months ago
    is it possible to add attachment to Category?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    dirk lenze · 8 months ago
    Unfortunately, the attachments in the articles do not appear when I display them as "Category Blog" or "Featured Articles".
    Is this normal behavior and/or is there a solution for this?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      dirk lenze · 8 months ago
      @David Thank you for the feedback.
      That worked. Now I just have to make sure that I make the change again with the next update. Maybe you could make a button in the plugin configuration for “Display attachments in blog layout”?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 8 months ago
      @dirk lenze By default, it just displays on the article layout. In your case, try to remove line 378,379 of file plugins/content/jmpattachments/jmpattachments.php. I hope it will work well!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Frank · 9 months ago
    Hello, is it possible, to sort the files in two columns?

    And is it possible to place files in the middle of text in content area {pdf-file ...}

    And if there are more than one file ... to place the files in different positions in the text?

    Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text TextText Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
    Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

    {File 1}

    Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
    Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
    {file 2}

    ... like this?

    Thank you a lot!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 8 months ago
      @Frank Hi,
      Unfortunately, currently this plugin can only display 1 column. Of course, you can insert it anywhere.

      You can change the file name and add a description to the file. However, it currently does not support file sorting🙄
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Frank · 8 months ago
      @David Hi David,

      could you please give me the info?

      your question:
      yes, correct - if 6 files, two in one line - in 3 rows then.

      - is it posseible to sort the direction of the files (in backend drag and drop upa and down?

      - is it pssible to fill in a own text - instead of showing the original file name - as it is often ugly to read!

      Thank you!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Frank · 8 months ago
      @David Yes - correct.
      And is it possible, to see better icons for the different fily types ... especially pdf has nice looking desings.

      Ant lastly ... is it possible to show some files here ... and later in another block, some more fles ... as aksked in my fist post?

      Thank you!
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 9 months ago
      @Frank Hello! 2 columns? Do you mean if there are 6 files, each column will display 3 files?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Galli-Net Yanick Galli · 9 months ago

    There's a conflict with the FaLang Pro translation extension


    the attachments tab is not displayed, and even after saving the translated article version, there's this error message: You must save the article to use this feature.

    Best regards

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Nico van der Neut · 11 months ago
    Is there a Dutch language file available?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Davide Di Pascasio · 6 months ago
    Thank you; I thought it also worked from the front-end
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Aly23 · 8 months ago
    Is it just on my end or when I click 'cancel' it doesn't discard changes?
    It seems to save changes no matter what...
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Marto · 11 months ago
    Hello, have you got a bulgarian language?

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