6 Best Free Joomla CCK Extension

Joomla CCK is a powerful website builder that helps build a variety of content types. With CCK, you can create many custom forms to build websites with unique features such as: Shop website builder, booking, events...etc

Usually, the process of a CCK is:

  1. Create form (types) based on the provided fields
  2. Create categories for that form.
  3. Create items by entering content into saved form.

Here is a list of the best free Joomla CCKs:


FLEXIcontent is an advanced CMS developed to greatly enhance the native content managenent of Joomla!


  • Powerful content types, that are meant to do a lot more, than merely group some custom fields
  • Many highly parametrized powerful fields
  • Drag-drop templating
  • Multi-Category assignments (secondary & featured)
  • High performance FACETED filtering !!!
  • Author management with limitations for subscriptions sites
  • Powerful ACL



SobiPro is an advanced powerful multi-content directory component for Joomla with a fully responsive SobiPro template with multiple colour themes and different styles.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited nested category tree structure
  • Category fields
  • Basic Paypal payment system integrated
  • Advanced back-end ACL for each section
  • Possibility to integrate own PHP scripts in the templates
  • Category filter in search


Content Builder

The main task for Content Builder is to structure Joomla! content (articles) while preserving content layouts - but you can do a lot more with it.

Key Features:

  • Forms
  • Content Management
  • Catalogs
  • Paid Content
  • File Directories (Upload/Download)
  • File Selling
  • Image Galleries
  • List/Details views (Record Display)
  • CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on your data.
  • CSV Import



SEBLOD is a WEB APPLICATION BUILDER for Joomla! This concept extends the functionality of the most used CMS in the world, without hack. A simple and 100% open source environment to meet the most specific needs

Main features:

  • Advanced forms & content types: Drag&Drop Interfaces, AJAX, over 40 field types...
  • Multi criteria search & list views: Custom criteria, list of results templates...
  • Out of the box applications: Create / import /export your own apps (including content types + search features + list templates...)
  • Multi-site system: One Joomla installation for many sites, separated front and admin for each site, so easy to use... The first multisite solution integrated to Joomla.
  • Custom storage: Data Table Field, JSON, XML...
  • Flexible Plugin system: Field, validation, typo, storage, link, live...



Cobalt is a successor of Mighty Resources but all new, completely redone.

Main features:

  • Flexible CCK - Wide variety of fields text, textarea, html, image, select, multi-select, ... All fields are highly editable and will always give you more than you expect.
  • Notification System - iPhone or Facebook style notifications system allows users subscribing to articles or section/categories and being notified on any occurring event.
  • Multi-type - Allows you to submit, handle, search, display, order and filter different content types of data within the same section/category.
  • Search & Filtering System – Smart and configurable FULL TEXT search system. Advanced search using filters by field values.
  • Speed - High performance is one of our main concerns.
  • Multi-Vendor - Users submit from frontend and can even create their own categories and have their own home pages.
  • Comment System – Built-in comment system, along with the ability to use any other system like Komento.
  • Rating System – 3 different calculating modes. Single or multiple property ratings.
  • Moderator Manager – Set any users as moderator to any section, and fine-tune his permissions.



Fabrik gives people the power to create custom applications without requiring knowledge of mySQL and PHP, all from within a familiar Joomla administration interface.

For the basic use of Fabrik no coding is necessary, so for example you can create a form which records data into a list, and then create filters for that list to search for particular records without any programming (PHP, HTML, CSS) knowledge at all.

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