Top content is your pretty plugin, and bottom is ugly html5 audio. How can I block html5 panel displaying?
JoomHelper Media Plugin
This plugin is a simple, lightweight, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player that supports modern browsers. It is built inherit from Plyr source code and developed for Joomla platform.
Download plugin and install it via Joomla installer. Then goto Extensions > Plugins > Content - JoomHelper Media > Enable it.
Notice: This plugin compatible with J3.4+ & J4, J5
How to use
This plugin support Audio, Video, Youtube and Vimeo. With local video, it support Thumbnail and Subtitle.
Create an example article and put code below to:
1. Insert audio file:
{audio <PATH TO FILE>}
Example: {audio media/audio.mp3} or {audio media/audio.ogg}
2. Insert video file
{video <PATH TO FILE>}
Example: {video media/video.mp4} or {video media/video.webm}
In order to add subtitle, you need to create a subtitle file (*.vtt) with the same name as the video file and put it in the folder containing that video. Example with video is media/video.mp4, the subtitle file is media/video.vtt.
Do the same with the thumbnail. The image must have JPG extension (*.jpg). In this example, the thumbnail is media/video.jpg.
3. Insert Youtube video
{youtube <YOUTUBE ID>}
Example: {youtube gdeqbg8QFJM} for video url:
4. Insert Vimeo video
{vimeo <VIMEO ID>}
Example: {vimeo 21946320} for video url:
This plugin is Content type so if you want use it for module, please read this article.
Any suggestion ?
Here is the working page on the test site:
Here the production site: