Joomla Image Gallery Lightbox Module

Are you looking for an extension to create photo galleries for your website? This module will help you.

Highlight Functions:

  • Automatically create photo albums from one or more folders.
  • Customize thumbnail size.
  • Automatically reduce image size if too large.
  • Add captions to photos
  • Modern and flexible photo viewer
  • Working with J3.6+ & J4, J5

Install and Use

1. Download and install via Joomla installer.

2. At the Module Manage > Add New > JMP Gallery to get started:

3. Enter the folder containing the images in the Folder field, each folder is a line.




4. Set Module'postion and Assignment

5. Enjoy!

By default, the image name will be displayed in the description, you can turn it off or change it.

- To disable, set Photo name as Description is No.

- To change, you use the Description field, the syntax:

<image file> => <Description>

One picture per line


pic1.jpg => Description for this image

pic2.jpg => Description for this image



The Cache Folder is used to store thumbnails and large images.

Please share if you like this module!

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