Embed an IFrame into Joomla

Inserting iframes is becoming more and more popular. However, for security reasons, some Joomla editors still limit this feature. Unlocking features is also difficult for new users.

The plugin below will help you insert iframes into articles or modules more easily.

Main features of the plugin:

  • Works on all versions of Joomla
  • Supports inserting Youtube Video, Twitter Feed, Twitter Post.
  • Supports embedding of allowed websites
  • Only load the embedded page when it's in the user's viewport. Therefore, your web loading speed will not be affected.
  • Supports proportional size format. It helps iframes (videos) display better on all devices.


1. After successfully installing the plugin, go to plugin management > Content - Embed iFrame

2. In here, you set the default size of the iframe. The default size will be used if the system cannot find the iframe's declared size.

There are 2 options to set the size:

  • Fixed (Unit: px): Width x Height
  • Ratio: Width : Height

For example, you want to display YouTube videos in a 16:9 ratio on all devices. You select "Ratio" and the value is "16:9".

Embed iFrame configuration

3. Enable plugin to get started.


Go to article management, select the article you want to insert an iframe, add the following short code:

{iframe <URL>|<SIZE:OPTION>}

  • <URL>: URL of the website you want to embed. Note that some websites may not be embeddable due to their privacy policies.
  • <SIZE>: Optional parameter. If this parameter is not present, the system will use the default size. This parameter has 2 formats:
    • [Width]x[Height]: Fixed, Unit px.
    • [Width]:[Height]: Dimensions in width/height ratio.

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