User Cleaner plugin for Joomla

This plugin will help you clean up unnecessary users on your site. Who are these users?

  • Blocked users: Users who spam or break the law on your site, they are blocked by the admin.
  • Users who have not activated their account after X days
  • User not logged in to your site after X days.

With this plugin, you can set the "X" (day) value to your liking. Alternatively, you can send an email to these users to notify them that their account has been deleted.

You can also set up an email to the admin to notify you of the list of deleted accounts.

Download the extension here:

Buy Now ( $13 )

User Cleaner plugin for Joomla

You will not be able to find information about deleted accounts in the database. If you want to restore these accounts, you can use the information backed up at the directory: tmp/user.

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    nick · 1 years ago
    I noticed if a user is resetting their password that the "JMP User Cleaner" plugin will also delete this account too, because it's flagging this user account as a not activated account.

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