Send Email Using SMTP in Joomla 4

By default in the Joomla configuration, the system will use the php mail() function to send emails. However, for the following reasons, you should switch to using SMTP to send mail:

  • Server disables php mail() function
  • Reduce server resources
  • Suitable for sending large mails
  • Reduce spam


This article will show you how to set up on Joomla 4 to send mail through the SMTP method.

1. Login to Joomla's admin page

2. At Dashboard, Go to System > Global Configuration > Server > Mail

3. Under Mail Settings, configure the following settings and then click Save:

Mailer Set this to SMTP
SMTP Host If your email account you're sending email from is on the same server as your Joomla site, use "localhost" here. Otherwise, enter your SMTP hostname here.
SMTP Port, SMTP Security

If your SMTP server uses SSL, select this option from SMTP Security and then enter the SSL Port required for your SMTP server. Usually, the value will look like the table below:

SMTP Security SMTP Port
None 25
SMTP Authentication

Set this to Yes

SMTP Username

Enter your SMTP Username, which generally is your full email address

SMTP Password

This will usually be your email address' password

4. Enter the remaining parameters: From Email / From Name / Reply To Email / Reply To Name.

5. Save the configuration and press the Send Test Mail button to test this functionality. If set up correctly, an email will be sent to the address you entered in the From Email field.


Some mail configurations of popular servers:



Username: Your full e-mail address

Password: Your e-mail account password

Port number: 465

Encryption: SSL/TLS


Host: localhost |

Username: Your full e-mail address

Password: Your e-mail account password

SMTP Port: 465

Encryption: SSL/TLS



Username: Your full e-mail address

Password: Your e-mail account password

SMTP Port: 465

Encryption: SSL/TLS



Username: Your full e-mail address

Password: Your e-mail account password

SMTP Port: 465



Username: Your full e-mail address

Password: Your e-mail account password

SMTP Port (Encryption): 465 (SSL/TLS) | 587 (STARTTLS)

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