Delete My Account, Extension for Joomla

JMP Delete My Account is an extension of Joomla! that gives your site members an option through which they can delete their account.

Delete My Account configuration

Download the extension here. This component is suitable for Joomla 3, 4 and 5.

Buy Now ( $15 ) Demo

There will be an option for you to set up so that users can only temporarily lock their accounts without having to permanently delete them.

In addition, there is an email address validation feature when users want to delete their account. A code will be sent to their email and they must enter it correctly, which reduces the risk of someone trying to delete their account.

Email verification

When an account is deleted/temporarily locked, an email will also be sent to that user and the administrator.

Note, this account deletion feature is not available with admin accounts.

After downloading and installing this extension, go to Menu manager to create a new menu: Menus > Main Menu > Add New Menu Item

Select Menu Item Type is JMP Delete My Account, then fill in the remaining parameters.

Menu setup

To change the settings, go to Components > JMP Delete My Account > Options to get started. Settings include:

Delete My Account configuration

  • Action: Delete account hoặc Block account
  • Requires email address verification
  • Terms
  • Send an email to the user
  • Send an email to the admin

If you are satisfied with this extension, please give us a good review on JED. Thank you!

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