Joomla Modal & Popup Extension

Modal popup are a cool feature that should be added to your website. You will definitely use it :)

This extension was created to make it as easy as possible for anyone to use it.

Demo Forum

In addition, it also integrates:

  • Make popups open on pageload, or with a delay
  • 16 effects for you to choose
  • Custom color for each modal
  • Trigger opening modal from elements


Download these files and install it via Joomla installer:

Buy Now ( $10 ) JMP Modal Button

Goto Plugin Manager and turn on these plugins below:

  • Content - JMP Modal & Popup
  • Button - JMP Modal



{modal <PARAMS>}


{modal <PARAMS>}
	<h3>Modal title</h3>
	<p>Hello everyone!</p>

Or from Joomla Editor, click to JMP Modal & Popup button:


<PARAM> is optional parameter, you can ignore it. There are list parameter:

Name Value Description
style 1 -> 16 Modal effect
open 1 or 0 Open modal popup when pageload
delay 0 (second) Time delay to open modal
trigger element  
overlayColor HEX|RGB|RGBA COLOR Background color of overlay modal
modalColor HEX|RGB|RGBA COLOR Background color of modal
textColor HEX|RGB|RGBA COLOR Text color
id NULL Unique ID if you want to use cookie featured. You must set "life" attribute also.
life 0 Cookie expiration time (day)


{modal style="1" open="1" delay="5" overlayColor="#333"}
	<h3>Modal title</h3>
	<p>Hello everyone!</p>

The trigger parameter is used to specify the element to open the popup.


{modal trigger=".open"}

This modal popup will initially be closed, it will be openned when the element (button, hyperlink tag) with class "open" is clicked.


To insert the module into the modal, use the syntax:

	{loadmoduleid <MODULE ID>}


In order to use this plugin in a module, see this article: How to use Content Plugin on Joomla Page Builder

Hope you enjoy this plugin!

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Nikola · 2 years ago
    Nice and easy modal! It would be nice to include cookie option when visitor choose not to see popup anymore. Now it loads always, what can be annoying for visitors.
    Good job overall!
  • This commment is unpublished.
    ralph · 2 years ago
    i love this modal, so far the best modal you can put on joomla
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Rita · 1 years ago

    Can open a pdf file?

  • This commment is unpublished.
    Your Name · 2 years ago

    I would like to change the "close me!" button word.
    Where can i edit the text?

    Thanks in advance
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Brad · 2 years ago

    In Joomla 4 the button doesn't work in the TinyMCE editor dropdown. I looked into his and Joomla changed the method for buttons, instead of calling JS you have to call the new API. Something like that.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 2 years ago
      @Brad You can use Source Code of editor to insert code, like that:
      {modal style="1" open="1" delay="5" overlayColor="#333"} <h3>Modal title</h3> <p>Hello everyone!</p> {/modal}
      It will work for all editors😉

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