JoomHelper Sharing Module

The Social Sharing module will increase your sales and drive more traffic to your website. JoomHelper Sharing is one of the Free modules to help you with that.

This module support: Facebook, Linkedin, Mastodon, Messenger (require Facebook App ID), Odnoklassniki (Одноклассники), Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, Viber, Vkontakte, Whatsapp.

Also, I added Custom CSS field so you can move sharing box to left or bottom of site.


Notice: JoomHelper Sharing module is compatible with Joomla 2.5 / 3.x / 4 / 5

Buy Now ( $13 ) Demo Forum

Then, install it via Joomla installer. Next, goto Module Manager > New > JoomHelper Sharing > Let's started

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