K2 to Content Migration

K2 is a popular extension of Joomla. It always tops the list of most loved apps on versions J1.5, 2.5 and 3.

However, they still don't have a roadmap for Joomla 4 which is why you have to go back to Joomla Content, the default built-in extension on Joomla.

This tool makes it possible for you to migrate K2 articles to Joomla Content. Thereby, you can upgrade your website to Joomla 4.

Buy Now ( $15 ) Demo

It is designed for ease of use. Note because K2 is not available on Joomla 4, so you only use this tool for Joomla 3.

Imported data includes:

  • All K2 Articles + Intro Image
  • All K2 Categories
  • All K2 tags
  • All K2 Extra Fields
  • Attachments (Required plugin installation: File Attachments)

After installing this tool, go to Components > K2 to Content to get started.

K2 to Content UI

Here, the tool will tell you what it will do. Include the number of articles and the number of categories to be imported. Click the "Import Now" button to launch.

Wait for the tool to notify you that the import is finished.

K2 to Content UI

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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Jordi badia · 7 months ago
    Hi, this component works fine while you are using j3, but after migration to j4 articles disapear. I can see them in DB but not in articles list. Only categories. Is it a bug?
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    Ronald Wegert · 7 months ago
    After the migration, the images are not displayed in the Images tab of the article. This is necessary in order to use my own templates and design articles. The links would have to be inserted in the intro and full image of the article table. Can you help me with this?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Timothy Stephens · 7 months ago
    After installing the plugin, there is no "K2 to Content" available in the Components menu.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    David · 8 months ago
    Release K2 to Content Migration v1.3.1
    ^ Migrate K2 Category Image
    ^ Log file when importing
    # Fixed Duplicate asset table
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Antonio · 8 months ago
      @David Hi David
      any chance to see the Simple Image Gallery tag added to the content? I was hoping not to have to do it manually.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Mario · 9 months ago
    Unfortunately, main photo captions do not migrate. :-(
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Antonio · 10 months ago
    Hi, In case of failure, is it possible to know which contents were not imported? When there are hundreds or thousands of contents, it is difficult to check manually. Having a list would be very helpful.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Maurizio Binaghi · 10 months ago
    How can I import K2 image gallery too?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    tobroz · 11 months ago
    Hi, my site have more than 30 000 articles, and ewery has image. Is this extension ready to migrate that? With the same id like in K2?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alex · 11 months ago
    Hello, K2 is not longer working with J4. I buy this plugin, I migrate all of the content and after this I remove K2 and update to J4?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    JC · 1 years ago
    I recently purchased your K2 to Content Migration tool and installed it and ran it. it successfully created all of the categories and articles but the extra fields are not being copied over correctly.

    I have configured lots of extra fields which contain very important content. It looks like it is only copy over the first field of every group?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 1 years ago
      @JC The content of the fields is in a separate table, it is not related to the article content. If it's "Textarea", I'm not sure why it's not working properly on your website.
      Please send website information and admin account to email: contact@joomhelper.com, I will check soon.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      JC · 1 years ago
      @David Apologies ... so the textfields ARE copied over but NOT textareas! Most of my content is in textareas.

      You should probably declare this somewhere as I feel like ive been misled somewhat.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      JC · 1 years ago
      @David But it seems to have copied over some textareas? But not others?

      How do I give you access to the site to take a look?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 1 years ago
      @David Fields that are not in this list are still added to the database, but Joomla content will not display it (because it is not supported).
      Note: This extension only has data migration function.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 1 years ago
      @JC As you said, all custom fields are "textareas" type, so they will be imported to content. I'm not sure why it not work correct on your site so give me your site access, I will check it soon.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Heather Godwin · 1 years ago
    I need an invoice for the purchase, showing the CC used, please and thank you! I purchased this for work, using the company card.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ziv Geffen · 1 years ago
    I just used this tool and I have a few issues:
    1. Out of 2000 K2 items imported successfully, 700 failed. What could be the reason? The categories are by year (2008-2023) and the correct number of articles filled the categories till 2017 where only a part of them passed, and from 2018 all categories are empty. Is there a limitation?
    2. If I look at the article list and filter by category - nothing happens. If I'm trying to see, for example, the 2023 category articles (which is empty) I still see all articles.
    Can you please assist?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      David · 1 years ago
      @Ziv Geffen Hi!
      Could you help me backup your site first, then send your site access to my email contact@joomhelper.com , I will check it soon.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Guido Tedaldi · 1 years ago
    Hi, I've sent you a request through contact page, I need an invoice for my purchase showing my VAT id and my business name, is it possible?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Guido Tedaldi · 1 years ago
    Hi, after importing with version 1.1.7 my articles' IDs got inverted (older ones got higher IDs, newer ones lower IDs, e.g. last article got ID 1). Is it possible to have the newer ones with higher IDs? (Ideal solution would be the same IDs as in K2, but don't know if it's possible).
    Thanks and regards,
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Catherine · 1 years ago
    Hi! Does it import attachements too? In a Joomla custom fields, more exactly a repeatable media field.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Ivo · 3 months ago
    Hi David,

    The plugin works great, is there a way to hide the extra fields for soms categories?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Antonio · 7 months ago
    I need to migrate a K2 site with these kinds of extra fields: Textarea, Drop-down selection, Text field, Date

    are all converted to Joomla custom fields with your plugin?
  • This commment is unpublished.
    juan carlos stauring · 11 months ago
    just got it works like a charm! thanks to developer k2 big headache.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    David · 1 years ago
    Release K2 to Content Migration v1.2.9
    # Fixed a bug related to the field and its value.
  • This commment is unpublished.
    David · 1 years ago
    @Petar + @Petr: Yes, it include tags + extra fields too.

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