Off-Canvas module in Joomla

Are you wondering how to add off-canvas content to your Joomla site? When designing your website, you may want to display additional links or content while keeping the main navigation of your site minimal and uncluttered.

Module off-canvas in Joomla
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Adding an off-canvas menu can help improve the user experience and make your site easier to navigate.

Why You Might Need an Off-Canvas Module

There are several reasons why you might want to use an off-canvas menu. You can display a sub-menu located next to your page. It can even act as the sole navigation panel for your site.

Off-canvas navigation also allows you to display quick links to specific areas of your site. Thanks to the attractive structure of the off-canvas menu, this can make it easier for your visitors to find what they're looking for and keep them on your site longer.

It's also great for special offers or announcements. For example, an off-canvas menu allows you to showcase promotions without being too disruptive or distracting. You can also highlight an outstanding product or service.

Using the Off-Canvas Module on Joomla

Some Joomla developers have built-in Off-Canvas on their template, but this number is not many. If you intend to add Off-Canvas on your website, use the module below:

Buy Now ( $10 ) Demo

* It works on Joomla 3, 4 and 5. You can insert any content, modules on it.

Advanced customizations include:

  • Direction
  • Background color
  • Off-canvas size
  • Custom CSS

How to use

After installing the module, go to Module Manager > New > Off-Canvas.

Fill in your content in the "Offside Content" field. To insert modules into it, within content this plugin loads a Module by ID, Syntax: {loadmoduleid <MODULE ID>} or a Module by position, Syntax: {loadposition <MODULE POSITION>} or a Module by name, Syntax: {loadmodule <MODULE NAME>}.

Next, let's set the remaining parameters. After saving the module, follow the steps in the "How to use" field to activate it.

Off-canvas settings

Don't forget to set Position and Menu Assignment for it!

Demo video:

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